Calgary or Calgary Metropolitan Area? Which is best for your company?

Calgary or Calgary Metropolitan Area? Which is best for your company?

The Greater Toronto Area is located in Ontario. The Lower Mainland is located in British Columbia. There's also the Calgary Region in Alberta.

These urban areas have a lot of attraction if you're seeking for an industrial site for your company. They have a huge population, well-developed transportation networks, and a variety of industrial land alternatives. You can choose between land in a huge metropolis and a parcel in a nearby village.

This article examines the Calgary Region, which comprises Calgary and 13 neighbouring municipalities, and how Calgary compares to smaller communities on the following site selection criteria:

  • Service accessibility

In Calgary, industrial land usually comes with full services. The City of Calgary, for example, offers industrial properties with shallow and deep utilities, sidewalks and street lighting, business roads, green areas, storm sewers, storm ponds, and transit service.

Some towns in the Calgary Region supply fully serviced industrial lots, while others give lots with limited utilities that may or may not include sidewalks, transit, or storm or sanitary sewers.

  • The cost of land

Unsurprisingly, serviced land in Calgary is typically more expensive than land in neighbouring cities. This indicates the value of comprehensive services, acreage evaluations, and closeness to transit choices as well as a highly concentrated customer base.

Lower rates in nearby areas reflect service levels as well as distance from clients, location, or availability to transit routes and infrastructure.

  • Costs of operations

Depending on your industry, choosing an industrial site in Calgary can result in lower operational costs in the long run. A Calgary location brings your company closer to consumers, transportation routes, public transportation options, and current and prospective staff.

Choosing to situate your company in an outer municipality may result in greater operational expenditures. Employee recruiting and retention costs, as well as transportation and marketing expenditures, may be increased.

  • Approvals/permitting

Before you can develop your freshly bought industrial site, you may need to obtain various municipal approvals. To subdivide or rezone your land, you may need to apply to your municipality. You will also require development and building permits.

Calgary's Approvals Coordination staff works to ensure that development approval processes produce high-quality, consistent, and timely judgments. The team works closely with external stakeholders to ensure Calgary is the best place to invest and create. It also supports and coordinates workers from across the organisation.

Smaller municipalities often require less coordination, thus decisions may be made more quickly. However, smaller municipalities may have fewer robust services (transit, protective services).

Interested in Calgary Real Estate?

Kuldip Singh Parmar
Kuldip Singh Parmar
Balpreet Tehri
Balpreet Tehri
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